Purifying the Crystals

The stones you buy have traveled a long way until they finally came into your possession. Beginning with the miners, and dealers at the mine and then on to those who transport and sell to wholesalers who finally sell them to the retailers where you find the stone. They will have passed through many hands, meaning they may have been affected by many kinds of energy, some positive, some negative. Since the crystal may absorb some of that energy it is recommended to purify the crystals before using them.

If you were not happy or did not have a good feeling about the place where you bought the stone, clean it before carrying it near your body. If you found the place very pleasant and liked the people who sold the crystal to you, there is no need to rush with the cleaning. You can wear the stone or keep it near you and do the cleaning later, when you feel the need.

I have come across many people who believe that it is forbidden for anyone else to touch their stones. Well, there is no reason for that. But if someone touches your stone and you feel bad about it, make sure you clean it. You may find that when someone reaches to touch your pendant, you will step back or cover the pendant with your hand intuitively without thinking. It means that the energies of that person are not good for your stone, so it is important then to clean it. On the other hand, if you feel good about the energies of the one who touches your stone, there is no reason to cleanse. Sometimes the energy of people with whom you feel good may even make the stone stronger for you.

Many tell us, that looking at the crystals we sell one can feel that we really love them. They sense it is not a commercial place and therefore often use the crystals without immediate cleaning.

There are no rules as regards to cleaning the crystals. There are no special methods of cleaning that are better or worse, and no rules as regards to the time of cleaning – listen to your intuition and clean your stones when you feel the need.

If for instance, you choose water cleaning, you might plan to hold your crystal under a stream of water for 5 seconds and find that you have been holding your stone under the stream for 2 minutes.

Do not think too much! Just keep the stone under the water till you take it out without considering the time.

There are many ways to purify crystals. Here are some of them:

  • Hold your crystal under running water. Natural waterfalls or rain are recommended.

This method is not recommended to use on stones that contain metals such as Pyrite, Galena and Hematite or very soft stones as Halite and Sulphur.

  • Since Quartz is good for purification, placing your crystal on a Quartz cluster or in the center of a number of generator Quartz points, pointing inwards is a wonderful easy way of purifying.
    This method is recommended in cases of stones set in jewelry.
  • Place in the sunshine the moonlight.

Some crystals may lose color if kept out in direct sunlight for too long (mostly the Quartz family).

  • Bury the stone in the ground. In cases when a stone has absorbed a lot of negativity this method is recommended. In extreme cases leave the stone there. For example, Rose Quartz and Aventurine when used to ease the side effects of chemotherapy treatment absorb so much that they should be returned into the earth and not be used again.
  • Place the stone among flowers.


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