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Tumble Larimar


SKU: 10159 Category:

Was used by the “Tainos”, native people on the Island ‎Hispanola. The Tainos disappeared with time and so did ‎‎“their” Crystal. The Crystal was rediscovered by a Spanish ‎priest in 1916. Named after the daughter of a local geologist ‎who tried to determine how this Crystal was formed. He ‎combined his daughters name Larisa and “Mar” – sea in ‎Spanish. ‎
Considered a New Age Crystal. A beautiful peaceful ‎looking Crystal which reminds one of the water near an ‎exotic far away island. ‎
Combines a sensation of water and air. The water is ‎connected to emotions and the air to thoughts therefore ‎connects mind and emotion. Cools and decreases anger, ‎brings happiness and emotional harmony. Helps contact the ‎energies of Lemuria, and thus creating a fluent contact with ‎dolphins and angels. Strengthens feminine energies within ‎men and women and connects with the divine energy.‎
Effects the fifth chakra. Provides tranquility and a very ‎peaceful sensation. It is good for flow and communication. ‎Recommended for people who live under pressure‏ ‏


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