Tumble Jade Nefrite
There are 2 Crystals named Jade: no connection between them. So the one is known as Nefrite and the other as Jadedite.
Due to the hardness of the Crystal, many ancient cultures used it to make tools for work and war. Later on, the Crystal became valuable and was used to make various religious symbols that led to a rich mythology about the Crystal.
The use of Jadeite by the Chinese began towards the end of the 18th century when it was made the official Crystal of the kingdom.
Known as the “dream Crystal”. Enables learning through dreams, encourages physical understanding of dreams.
Beams love, courage, chastity, justice and wisdom. Reduces negativity. Increases ability of expression. Balances the heart emotionally. Heals, purifies and provides comforting energy. Provides endurance and peacefulness when worn. Calms and may bring one to a level where the body may heal itself. Increases flexibility.
Strengthens the heart, the kidneys and the immune system. May heal the eyes and can help deal with mental problems.
Helps purify the blood. Encourages long life.