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Sphere Petrified wood


5 in stock

SKU: 30201 Category:

This is a petrified tree. The Brazilian Petrified Wood is light ‎brown while the American, which is from the Sequoia tree, ‎has much richer colors including red. The kind from ‎Madagascar, originated in the Acacia tree has the largest ‎color combination including green. ‎
There are huge pieces some big enough to serve as large ‎tables.‎
The Native Americans used this Crystal as protection against ‎accidents, wounds and infections. Was considered to be a ‎Crystal that brings luck. ‎
Provides physical energy and eases emotional pressure. ‎Helps one keep balanced and grounded. Increases ‎connection to nature. ‎
Provides protection from injury. May help treat internal ‎infections in the abdomen‎


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