On Line Shopping

Pyrite on Jet / Shungite


5 in stock

SKU: 10379-1 Category:

Unique and beautiful!
A natural combination of Pyrite formed on Jet

Any combination of minerals teaches us to act the same: To combine methods or co-operate with others, or allow to accept events the happen, in a good way for self development

The Pyrite, Also known as “Fools Gold”, this name was given because it ‎was sometimes thought to be Gold. ‎
Provides a positive point of view to life. Elevates the ‎emotional body, strengthens desire. Encourages working ‎harmoniously with others. Eases pressure and hopelessness.
Allows to understand and accept, that sometimes what we ‎see and expect of something – is not as we thought and we ‎might be disappointed, but! If we look again, give another ‎chance, we will find the advantages and the unique side
Great for the combination of Intuition and order.‎
Regulates the digestive system and improves the menstrual ‎cycle. Strengthens and eases the oxygen flow to the blood. ‎Increases the function of the brain.‎


The Jet – Shingite provides protection in a light way


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