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Pendant point Aventurine


SKU: 41282 Category:

Has a gentle and stabilizing effect on the area of the ‎emotional heart. A wonderful gift for young people.‎
Calming and balancing, eases pressure and increases ‎independence. Purifies and heals blockages of the physical ‎integration of mental and spiritual feelings. ‎

For emotional balance specially with relations with others. ‎The balance between give and take – in the aspect of ‎emotions.‎
In combination with Rhodonite may be good for negotiation ‎‎(if the negotiation has to do with money, add a Citrine).‎
In combination with Rose Quartz it eases the side effects of ‎chemotherapy treatments: Hold both Crystals, each in a ‎different hand while receiving the treatment. Since the ‎Crystals absorb a lot, bury them and use a new set for the ‎next treatment. ‎


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