Fossile Ammonite
5 in stock
Ammonite is a Fossil of a shell in the shape of a slug in which a tiny creature lived millions of years ago. First appeared on the earth 400 million years ago, and was destroyed 65 million years ago. When sliced in the center, a beautiful slug shape is discovered. The general form is a spiral diminishing towards the center. The spiral is divided into separately attached areas. Sometimes these areas are hollow and sometimes filled with Calcite, Aragonite or other minerals. Some rare ones have Pyrite. The slug shape is one of the basic proportional shapes in geometry.
Provides stability and a framework for life and assists in finding ones correct path. It is recommended for people who work in construction. Great for new beginnings. For stability yet flow.
The rainbow effect adds joy and ability to accept events in a positive way.
May ease the birth process.