Facet Labradorite
Named after Labradore, North-East Canada, where it was first discovered.
Also known as “temple of stars”. At first glance seems dark. When looked at in light the many colors are seen. This quality enables healers to work with an invisible reality while purifying energies.
A Crystal of duality that guards and allows one to comprehend the life one chose. Helps to transform intuitive thinking into intellectual thinking and therefore eases intuitive functioning.
Great for releasing the need for perfection – and therefore great for creativity and getting on with new ideas – for those that the need thing to be “perfect”.
Recommended for those interested in the “unknown”. Increases telepathy and magic. Amplifies happiness, joy, conviviality and a sensation of security. Eases tension and pressure.
May help treat brain problems while strengthening the intellect. Eases headache when the cause is over detail work that in order to get to “the perfect”.