On Line Shopping

Cabushon Tiger eye


5 in stock

SKU: 80188 Category:

Helps take sadden events that cause change, in a positive ‎way towards personal change. ‎
Increases ability for self-development and strengthens self-‎confidence. Serves as a balancing Crystal. ‎
Encourages a positive attitude to life. Helps rid undesirable ‎feelings and balances mental and physical needs. Increases ‎appreciation of Mother Earth and furthers self-esteem.‎‏ ‏The ‎combination of brown and gold (base and crown chakras) ‎enables the grounding of awareness to the physical reality of ‎‎“Mother Earth” and at the same time to spiritual inspiration. ‎Helps get rid of unwanted emotions and balances mental ‎and physical needs. Regulates the inner secretion of the ‎endocrine system, the liver and the gall bladder. ‎


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