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Amethyst on Metal base: A perfect gift

SKU: 10103-1 Category:

AMETHYST (Quartz)‎
Placed on a metal base, makes theses beautiful natural Amethyst look as sculptures.
A perfect gift also for people who are not yet connected to the magic


When as a cluster, great for harmony and good atmosphere
Therefore recommended for homes, healing spaces, ‎couching rooms, offices etc.‎

‎ The origin of the name is Greek and means “prevention ‎from drunkenness”. ‎
The Greek myth tells about the god Baccus who was ‎abandoned by the goddess Diana. In his anger he decided to ‎take his revenge on the first person he encountered. The first ‎person he met was a beautiful girl named Amethyst. When ‎she was attacked by vicious animals she called for Diana’s ‎help who then turned her into stone. Baccus in response, ‎poured wine over the petrified body which became purple. ‎
The connection to Baccus, the god of wine, led to the belief ‎that drinking wine out of an Amethyst goblet will prevent ‎drunkenness. ‎
There were many beliefs to do with the Amethyst, which ‎was one of the first stones used by man. The Amethyst was ‎used to protect warriors and guarantee their conquest, to ‎cure hunters, protect against diseases, control bad thoughts, ‎strengthen intelligence and make its owner sharp in business.‎‏ ‏

The Amethyst may help ease addictions such as alcohol, ‎cigarettes, sweets etc. For best results recommended to wear ‎or keep in ones drinking water. ‎
Balances the energy centers in the body. Helps to open the ‎third eye. Clears the mind and promotes spiritual ‎understanding. Helps direct awareness releasing from ‎negative thoughts and focusing on deeper understanding. ‎Good for meditation.‎
Provides a sense of‏ ‏courage, intuition and creativity. Eases ‎fears. Can helps reduce egoism. ‎‏ ‏
May help those who do not sleep well, decreases ‎nightmares.‎
Good for the metabolic system. Excellent for taking away ‎headaches (please see example in the Autosuggestion ‎section).‎

Below are a number of different kinds of Amethysts with ‎different structures. Add their qualities to ‎


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