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5 in stock

SKU: 10268 Category:

Chemical composition: SiO2‎
Color: Brown, orange, light blue,‎‏ ‏white, gray, pinkish. ‎
Origin: Worldwide. ‎
H: 6.5-7‎
Typical structure: Trigonal. Aggregate. Micro-Crystaline. ‎The general form of most Agates is round and looks like a ‎simple rock. Only when opened, one discovers its beauty. ‎Some have stripes some have many diminishing concentric ‎circles. Some Agates contain parts of Quartz and some ‎contain all elements. Some of the Agates are hollow ‎creating a “cave” which might have Quartz points or smooth ‎Chalcedony. The green, blue, pink and purple Agates are ‎dyed. ‎
The origin of the name is Achates, the Greek name for the ‎Drillo river in Sicily which was an early source. ‎
There are many types of Agate. The general healing qualities ‎cover all types, while each kind has its unique additional ‎qualities. ‎
It is a balancing stone, particularly for those who use logic ‎more than intuition. Strengthens and adjusts body and brain. ‎Provides sensation of courage and strength. A powerful ‎healer. ‎


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