On Line Shopping

Abalone Paua Shell


5 in stock

SKU: 10150 Category:

Chemical composition: Organic – contains over 70% water.‎
Color: A shining shell, all colors.‎
Origin: Mexico, New Zealand. ‎
H: 3-4.‎
Typical structure: A large shell. ‎
A limitation of export by the government makes it rare to ‎find the whole shell. Usually sold as small pieces, which are ‎fractions of the whole. ‎
Provides a feeling of happiness and fun. Water, whether it ‎be a fresh water source (lake, river, sea) or a bath or shower, ‎is calming. Therefore this shell formed in water has the same ‎effect of tranquility, flow and relaxation. Reduces criticism. ‎May ease feelings of loneliness. ‎
Strengthens bones and heart, energizes and revives the body ‎when needed.‎


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