Giving a Crystal is a gift of love and mostly very welcomed.

When you buy a Crystal for another, think about that person and listen to your intuition or choose the kind of Crystal according to the needs of the person you are buying it for.

Those who receive Crystals as gifts often say it’s the most original gift they have ever received and are usually touched by the thought that went into buying the gift. The included note with explanations always adds to that feeling.

People who have given Crystals as gifts for different events such as a new house, new office, job, wedding, birthday etc., have returned to tell me about the great success of the gift. Many people buy inexpensive tumble stones to give to friends, students, colleagues or clients. They always tell how excited people were to receive the gift even though it cost only a dollar, the thought and the idea usually excite people.

A friend of mine bought a Citrine cluster for her brother-in-law who is a Lawyer and had never heard about crystals and according to my friend would never buy one himself…

Yet, at the end of his 40th Birthday party, when he opened the many gifts he received, the Citrine was the one that touched him more than any other gift, the only one that excited him. He loved it because of the idea and the thought behind it, as well as for its beauty and originality but did not believe in its effect. He placed it in his office which had very little work due to the recession in the real estate business at the time (his law firm deals mostly with property). The day he placed his Citrine in the office was the busiest day they had had in months and the days kept on getting better to the extent that he “admitted” that the improvement may have come because of the Citrine he never believed in, but still loved.

Many people find themselves giving away their own stones. They often buy more stones than they need knowing that they will be giving most of them away.

You may have a stone you really love, one that is always with you and then one day you may feel the need to pass it on to someone you know. Listen to yourself and do so happily. If you feel that way, it means the stone has completed its work for you and now someone else needs it.


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