About Us

About Us

Who are we – Treasures from the StoneAge? What makes us special?

StoneAge was established by Adam and Shani Toder in 1988.

The Store in Israel is the largest in the country (and one of the unique worldwide) with a selection of about 600 different kinds of Crystals and Crystal based items. The display in the 300 square Mt store in Israel includes many kinds of Crystal beginning in the size of less than a Carat and up to over 150KG.

The selection includes the most valuable to the most simple Gems and Crystal in all forms: Specimens, Rough, Tumbled, Polished, as sculptures and popular shapes. cabochons and Faceted as well as beads and decorative items. The selection includes Jewelry in a large range of prices, bracelet necklaces and more. 
StoneAge also imports salt items direct from the best source.


We have many people , of all ages and interests visiting our Crystal store. 

Our customers include mostly people who are interested in the wonderful effect of the Crystals on our well being.
We have artist and jewelers who combine Crystals and gems in their work.
There are those who collect Crystals simply for the beauty, seeking specimens.

Adam, who has a GG degree from the GIA institute, is the manager and buyer. Adam travels the world to buy the best direct from the source. Over the past 30 years, Adams knowledge, experience and worldwide connections, have led him to direct sources, often at mines in distant location worldwide, where few buyers actually get to.

Shani is the “Crystal person”, the vitality and life of StoneAge, providing knowledge and connection to the wonders of the Crystals.
Over the years Shani has written 4 Crystal books, two of them are unique and different to any other Crystal book.
Shani, has a different way of seeing, understanding and explaining the power of Crystals: In her books and work shops, as well as to people visiting the store, she explains why and how a certain Crystals has its effect. Those explanation often fascinate people and mostly, helps them connect. Due to this unique point of view, she has developed a kind of Crystal reading that helps people understand what’s needed to change, do or balance in order to achieve something in life.

After more then 30 years in the Crystal kingdom, Adam and Shani still get exsited over Crystals. The love and connection are as they were at the beginning- and people mention that this love if felt in the store. Many mention that you can feel the Crystals received love, that its not only about business.

We welcome you to visit our store in Larnaca or Tel Aviv, to experience the magic.


Years of Operation


Gemstone Types




Supplier Countries



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