Humanity has been fascinated and drawn to the beauty of the stones since the beginning of civilization. Archaeological findings from different places all over the world revealed collections of stones used during different periods.
Ancient writings from different places throughout the earth, describe the stones as being powerful and filled with energy that influences the fate of humanity. The stones were known to provide good, positive energy while keeping away negative energy which cause disease and suffering. The stones were considered to be responsible for peace, security, economic stability and happiness.
There are many stories and myths about the crystals, connected to the period of Atlantis – the lost continent. Then, so they say, colossal crystals provided the power of electricity for entire cities. The power of the crystals was used to fly airplanes, for agriculture, illumination, curing disease and more. By means of the crystals Atlantians found it possible to control the weather and radio waves.
Atlantian scientists experimented on the population, they used hypnosis in order to implant pictures in the brain with or without peoples consent or knowledge. This allowed them to influence thought and memory. Towards the end of the period of Atlantis, the crystals were used in an attempt to control people, to turn them into slaves, to pass on diseases, and sometimes even to kill them. This is the reason for the disappearance of the crystals. It seems that the negative use of the crystals caused the destruction of that civilization.
Some of the Quartz crystals have many small shapes on one or more sides that seeing them through a magnifying glass, resemble ancient writing.
This is thought to be script from the time of Atlantis, giving information about that period.
The knowledge of the use of the stones during the period of Atlantis comes mainly from evidence of people who received information by meditating with those Quartz crystals. The interesting point is that different people received the same information, without knowing each other.
A few years ago I met with a friend who works with stones. She told me about an interesting experience she had had, during a visit to the USA. She was giving a lecture about crystals to 6 year olds. Before the lecture began she placed her stones on the table. One of the children came up to her and looked at a piece of Quartz and asked her why the Quartz is not used in order to produce electricity.
Upon inquiring, my friend found that the child’s family had nothing to do with crystals or energy so that he could not have heard his parents talking about the amazing qualities of the Quartz.
Children are known to be open to receive things that we, adults, have learnt to ignore and when he saw the stones, it must have brought back some ancient memory which made him ask about electricity.
The information about the use of these stones during the period of Atlantis is not empirical. However there is much evidence that crystals have been used throughout history.
Large use of crystals was made in Egypt, Greece and Rome, where the stones served to cure disease, for defense, burial, affluence etc.
Gemstones are mentioned in the Bible and in additional Jewish writings.
The breastplate of the high priest is one of the first signs of the use of stones. His shield was designed artistically. It was made of gold with colors of blue, purple and bordeaux. On the shoulders he had Onyx stones imbedded in gold. On his chest there were twelve stones known as the “Hoshen” which were, according to the evidence, inlaid on a board in four lines with three stones in each line. The board was worn as a breastplate. The twelve stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel while each stone was connected to a tribe according to the stone’s qualities and the tribe’s characteristic. The high priest could make telepathic contact with any of the tribe leaders simply by touching the right stone.
It is claimed that the slaves of Egypt succeeded in building the pyramids with the help of the power of the crystals.
Many traditional cultures including tribes in Africa, the United States and the Far East, made much use of the stones some continuing to this day.
Crystals were used for protection against diseases, accidents and injuries. There were stones that served to protect property. According to evidence, the stones would change their color, and thus warn the owner of imminent danger.
To cure disease the crystals were used in their natural form as well as in the form of powders and ointments.
In many cultures stones served as a symbol of social status. Jewelry was fashioned out of the stones to be given as gifts and to be placed in the graves during burial ceremonies.
The Hindu Tantriks (those who use the therapy of the Tantra) used the stones in the form of powders and ointments for physical and mental cure. They related to the stones as storing divine energy and used them to create idols which they worshiped. They used them for magic, as amulets and as containers for holy water.
It is said that the largest Quartz generator is located under the sea in the Atlantic ocean near the Bermuda triangle. This massive passage of the electromagnetic energy is not in alignment, and is the cause for the disturbance in electronic devices resulting in the mysterious disappearance of airplanes and ships that pass over the area.
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