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SKU: 70136-1 Category:

Chemical composition: Fossilized. ‎
Color: White, yellow, yellowish to strong orange, green. ‎
Origin: Russia, Poland, Italy, Burma, China, Dominican ‎Republic, Japan, Canada, Mexico, US.‎
H: 2-2.5‎
Typical structure: Amorphous, Very light.‎
The Amber contains inclusions, some of which look like a ‎flat disk without any color, and others are “products of ‎nature” including insects or parts of insects, partial plants ‎and more.‎

To differentiate between real Amber and plastic place in a ‎bowl full of water. The Amber will usually sink while plastic ‎will float. ‎
The age of the Amber is about 50 million years.‎
In the past, Amber was placed in graves to assure happiness ‎in life after death. Findings of Amber helped archaeologists ‎discover ancient trade routes. ‎
The Greeks believed that Ambers are sun’s rays that ‎solidified. The Germans and the Romans made use of ‎Amber powder in order to produce a good aroma (incense).‎

‎Amber is the fossil resin of a tree. The age of the Amber is about 50 million years.‎
In the past, Amber was placed in graves to assure happiness ‎in life after death. Findings of Amber helped archaeologists ‎discover ancient trade routes. ‎

Amber Increases connection to nature and recommended for those ‎who study nature. Teaches us that we have the ability to ‎heal ourselves. ‎
Heals infections. May clear the blood, strengthens and ‎stabilizes the abdomen area. ‎

The resin is produced by the tree in order to heel its wounds. So the Amber is actually a healing material. Just as the tree knows how to heal its self, it allows us to do the same. Therefore the Amber is great for physical healing . Specially to rid toxins.
Wearing the Amber allows us to be flexible to ourselves and allow the healing prosses.
Amazing for easing pain of teething.‎ Probably because it allows the teeth to come out, as the tree allows the risen to come out. With flexibility


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