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Bracelet Sphere Labradorite


SKU: 40144-1 Category:

When looked at in direct light, many colors are seen. This ‎quality enables healers to work with an invisible reality while ‎purifying energies. The reason we see so many colors, is due ‎to the inner formation which has breaks. This phenomenon ‎teaches us that perfection and beauty are in the non-‎perfection. So therefore helps release the need for perfection ‎‎– which leads to more creativity, less effort and time on ‎projects and sometimes headaches that arev due to the effort ‎of perfection.‎

A stone of duality that guards and allows one to ‎comprehend the life one chose. Helps to transform intuitive ‎thinking into intellectual thinking and therefore eases ‎intuitive functioning. ‎
Amplifies happiness, joy, conviviality and a sensation of ‎security. Eases tension and pressure. ‎
May help treat brain problems while strengthening the ‎intellect.‎


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