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Facet Topaz London


5 in stock

SKU: 80786 Category:

Named after an island in the Red Sea. ‎
For the Egyptians, the color of the yellow Topaz represented ‎the god of the sun. The Greeks believed it provided power ‎and wore it as a cameo in order to keep away infections, to ‎break the influence of bad spirits, to remove sadness and to ‎strengthen intellect. ‎

Encourages the creation of new ideas and sudden thoughts. ‎Good for communication. Very calming. Eases pressure.‎‏ ‏

Provides physical energy. Helps create business and social ‎connections. ‎
May ease problems in the liver and the endocrine gland ‎

Calming. Provides relaxing love energy. Strengthens self-‎love.‎

Sharpens thoughts and strengthens the ability to ‎concentrate.‎

Yellow Imperial
Provides energy. Strengthens intellect. Effects the abdomen ‎area.‎‏ ‏


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