On Line Shopping

Cabushon: Petertsite


5 in stock

SKU: 80124 Category:

A‏ ‏‎ kind of Tiger eye. Also known as Tempest Crystal. ‎
Great for accepting sadden events or people that come ‎across our way, even if they seem worrying at first, and ‎‎“take them” for the benefit of change and growth. ‎
‎. Enables access to higher powers and application of those ‎powers in favor of others.‎
Connects spiritual powers and the natural powers of the ‎earth and therefore is an energy source for those who work ‎with the light and who are seeking the purification of the ‎earth.‎
Amplifies personal power, creativity and new thoughts. ‎Encourages a feeling of happiness and satisfaction‏ ‏


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