Crystals: Colors and Chakras

Chakra is an energy center meaning a wheel or circuit that rotates on its axis.

According to cultures in the Far East, our body structure is divided into energy fields called chakras. The chakras are arranged lengthwise in the body and are in balance with each other. An unbalanced energy field, as a result of a physical or mental problem, may cause a blockage in the flow of energy.

Different colors are related to each chakra, and therefore you can adapt stones to the chakra according to the color of the crystal. It is recommended to keep crystals near the chakra they are best suited for.

Following is a list of the chakras and some of the matching stones.

First Chakra: MULADHARA

Situated at the base of the spine

Colors: Black, gray, red, brown.

Crystals: Black: Obsidian, Tourmaline, Onyx, Jet, Tektite

Gray: Hematite, Galena, Rutile

Red: Garnet, Ruby, Red Calcite, Jasper, Spinel, Tiger Eye, Coral

Brown: Smoky Quartz, Gold Tiger Eye, Jasper, Desert Rose, Agate, Obsidian, Zircon, yellow Topaz.

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for activity, spontaneity, independence and leadership ability.

When out of balance might cause anger, violence, impulsiveness and even sexual compulsion.

Connected to the lower spinal column, lower abdomen area, and male sexuality.


Situated above the spleen

Colors: Red, orange

Crystals: Red: Ruby, Calcite, Jasper, Spinel, Tiger eye, Coral, Vanadenite

Orange: Gold Tiger eye, Carnelian, Citrine, orange Calcite, Jasper, yellow Topaz, Garnet (Spessartite), orange Aventurine, Amber, Moonstone, Sunstone.

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for security, courage, ambition and creativity.

When out of balance, might cause signs of cruelty, indolence and feelings of superiority or depression.

Connected to the abdomen area including all internal organs and sex.

Third chakra: MANIPURA

Situated above the stomach

Colors: light orange, yellow, light green

Crystals: Light orange: Agate, orange and honey Calcite, Garnet (Spessartite), orange Aventurine, Moonstone

Yellow: Citrine, Chrysoberyl, yellow Calcite, Jasper, yellow Tourmaline, yellow Fluorite, Beryl, Sulphur,

Light green:  Peridot, Moonstone

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for organizational ability, clarity of thought and inner discipline.

When out of balance might cause indolence, nervousness and cowardice .

Connected to the upper stomach, including inner limbs and digestion system.

Fourth Chakra: ANAHATA

Situated above the heart

Colors: Green and pink

Crystals: Green: Peridot, Jade, Aventurine, Amazonite, Chrysoprase, Tourmaline, Emerald, Bloodstone, Apatite, Apophyllite, Moonstone, Nebula, Eilat, Dioptase

Pink: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite. Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Thulite, Strawberry Quartz, Kunzite.

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for generosity,  sense of security and readiness to receive

When out of balance might cause feelings of jealousy, materialism and feelings of insecurity.

Connected to the heart physically and emotionally.

Fifth Chakra:  VISSHUDHA

Situated on the throat

Colors: Turquoise, blue

Crystals: Turquoise: Larimar, Aquamarine, blue Topaz, blue Tourmaline, Celestite, blue Chalcedony, blue Lace Agate, Turquoise

Blue: Sodalite, Azurite, Lapis, Dumortierite, blue Aventurine, Iolite, Apatite, Sapphire, Tanzanite, blue Tourmaline, Chrysocolla, Eilat, blue Tiger eye.

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for idealism, perseverance, patience and calmness.

When out of balance might cause depression, loneliness, illness, and extreme conservatism.

Connected to the throat, allergies, communication and speech.

Sixth Chakra: AJNA

Situated on the third eye

Colors: Dark blue, purple

Crystals: Dark Blue: Sodalite, Azurite, Lapis, Dumortierite, blue Aventurine, Iolite, Apatite, Sapphire, Tanzanite, blue Tourmaline, Chrysocolla, Eilat, blue Tiger Eye.

Purple: Fluorite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite, Kunzite.

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for seeing situations correctly, telepathic ability and optimism.

When out of balance might cause belief in superstitions and indoctrination  by others.

Connected to the eyes and to channeling

Seventh Chakra: SAHASRARA (CROWN)

Situated on top of the head

Colors : Purple, transparent, gold
Crystals: Purple: Fluorite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite

Transparent : Quartz, Danburite, Sapphire, Diamond, Goshenite, Apophyllite

Gold: Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz

When in balance this chakra is “responsible” for abundance, creativity and humanitarianism.

When out of balance might cause day dreaming and  arrogance.

Connected to spiritual development


We react to colors because they have an energetic influence. They uplift the spirit, tranquilize, depress and so forth. There are rooms in which one feels wonderful and yet the same room painted in different colors makes one feel uncomfortable.

Colors are used to achieve different aims. In hospitals, green is the dominant color including surgeons clothing, because this is known to be a healing color. In elegant cafes, where visitors are expected to spend much time, the dominant colors will be blue and green. Conversely, there is a well-known popular restaurant chain where the dominant colors are red and white stripes. Red is the color of vitality that stimulates and the effect is that people feel happy and the place is lively. Yet they do not spend too much time at the place. Since there are always people waiting to be seated, the owners want you to complete your meal and leave, making place for the next lot.  Kindergartens for example, need lively colors, like red and orange, to stimulate the children and make them happy, but not too much as to over excite them. Children also need to listen and learn, and perhaps have a nap so that it is important to have areas painted blue and green.

Colors may affect our lives – and crystals come in a variety of colors.


The color of protection. Symbolizes heaviness and sadness yet elegancy. In the past, black cloth was wrapped around the dead in order to keep evil demons away.

Use a black stone in places where you feel there are negative energies or keep a black stone on you when you feel you need protection.

Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Onyx, Jet, Tektite


The color of balance. Balances positive and negative powers.

Use a gray stone if you feel angry or desperate.

Hematite, Galena, Agate Botswana


The color of earth. Provides awareness to nature.

Use a brown stone when you feel you need to be grounded, when you need the connection to earth. Agate, Gold Tiger Eye, Jasper, Gypsum, Petrified wood, Dolomite, Obsidian mahogany.


The color of vitality, fire and energy. Recommended for people who feel exhaustion. Not recommended for people who are nervous or for hyperactive children.

Use a red stone when you feel lack of energy, when you need to be strong and vital.

Ruby, Spinel, Calcite, red Tiger Eye, Crocoite, Vanadenite.


The color of happiness. Provides a vital, positive and easy attitude to life.

Use an Orange stone when you feel down or confused.

Carnelian, Calcite, Agate, Sunstone, Moonstone, Topaz.


The light of the sun. Stimulates inner wisdom, strengthens intellect and awakens intuition.

Use a yellow (transparent) stone to strengthen your intellect during exams, interviews or meetings.

Citrine, Calcite, Sulphur, Beryl


The color of love. Teaches one to love and to be loved, enables to love one-self and therefore love others. Calming and gives a feeling of emotional protection.

Use a pink stone when seeking love or when emotionally hurt.

Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Morganite, Strawberry Quartz.


The color of healing. Connected to emotions and to the heart. Very calming, cures and balances. Wearing green will help those who give too much of themselves, will calm the nerves and reduce emotions.

Use a green stone when you feel angry or when you never do for yourself.

Aventurine, Calcite, Peridot, Amazonite, Fluorite, Dioptase, Nebula, Moldavite, Bloodstone


The color of fulfillment. Encourages self-fulfillment and an easier physical and mental life.

Use a Turquoise stone when you want to get on with things, when you want to keep calm.

Turquoise, Larimar


The color of wisdom and communication. Calming and good for expression.

Use a blue stone when you need to keep calm, give a speech or keep good communication.

Lapis, Sodalite, Dumortierite, Calcite, Apatite


The color of comprehension and tolerance. Balances the energy centers in the body and represents spiritual development.

Use a purple stone during meditation or for spiritual development. Hold it if you feel angry.

Amethyst, Sugilite, Lepidolite, Charoite, Kunzite.


The color of innocence and purity. Provides mental transformation and enables a general lighter look of things.

Use a white stone during meditation or when you need clarity of thought.

Quartz, Danburite, Pearl, Howlite, Calcite, Agate


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