You might find that your very special Crystal, always near you, simply disappeared. This means, that the Crystals has probably completed its work with you and now goes to someone else who needs it or perhaps it simply needs to “rest”.
People have had Crystals disappear from their bedside or from their bag. After a while those Crystals have sometimes been found in completely different places. This could mean that for the time the stone disappeared the owner of the stone did not need it. When needed again, the stone reappeared. Sometimes the stone is found by someone else, meaning that that person needs the stone more than the original owner.
If you feel the need to give your Crystal to someone – do so. If the Crystal is really meant for the other person and you do not listen to your intuition you might lose the stone and the other person will be the one to find it. This may happen with someone very dear to you or with someone you just happen to meet minutes before.
If you feel you do not really want your favorite stone near you, put it away, even if you think you should have it. Listen to your intuition and go back to your stone when you feel the need, otherwise you might lose it.
Sometimes a crystal may crack or break, for no reason.
Crystals often break when they complete their work of “taking” something very powerful into themselves.
A number of people found that their Citrine had broken into pieces after which they discovered that the stones in their kidney had disappeared. There are cases in which a stone breaks in peoples hands taking upon itself what might have happened to the person. The most amazing stories have to do with the Malachite. People who found their Malachite broken, were, a very short time later, involved in a very bad accident and came out without a scratch. Others told me they found their Malachite broken and then for some unknown reason they were delayed. They arrived at their destination late to find that there had been a terrorist attack minutes before. They, for some reason, missed it.
There are many other reasons why stones break. Sometimes you have to work it out for yourself. For example one woman found her beautiful, large, free-form, polished Fluorite split into two, lying on the table near her bed where she had placed it before going to sleep. She had no dogs or small children who might have dropped the stone. The reason she kept the Fluorite was to help heal pains in both legs. Since the problem was in both legs but there was only one large stone, it might have broken so that she could place one half on each leg.
Of course, the hardness of the crystals, as well as the inner formation, make them fragile, so that sometimes they simply fall and break for no reason.
In any event, if a crystal breaks, listen to your intuition. If you feel bad about it bury it in a plant or in a garden. If it does not bother you – keep the stone. Sometimes when a stone breaks, the person feels the need to pass the broken pieces onto different people so that they may all have small parts of the same stone.
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