Intuition, Intuition and Intuition.
Choosing a Crystal should be simple.
The best is to flow with your heart. No thinking or reading.
When you allow yourself to flow with your heart, you will be attracted to the Crystal that is right for you today. Your choice will probably change, the next time you meet Crystals
Different people, with the same propose., will be attracted to different Crystals because the cause or Source for the imbalance, feeling or pain are different: For instance, Amethyst eases headaches for many, probably because the Couse is the stress of every day life. Yet if the headache is caused by the eyes, the neck, ears or anything else – Amethyst will not ease the pain because its not connected to the cause. When you choose by intuition, you will be attracted to the kind that’s connected to the cause of the pain. Same for emotional, self esteem etc.
Different people, will be attracted to the same Crystal for different reasons: For example, some will be attracted to Fluorite because of the inner peace they need, some for the focusing properties and others because they have teeth issues.
We are not sure if you choose the Crystal or if the Crystal chooses you.
Pick up the Crystals you are attracted to
You may combine 2 different Crystals or more, flow with what feels right to you.
While standing near a selection of Crystals you may be attracted to one or more. Take it in your hand and if you feel comfortable with it, it’s yours. The best way to choose Crystals is by intuition. You may be attracted to a crystal because of its color, its form, the feeling it may give you or anything else that makes that Crystal special in your eyes.
When choosing a Crystal, hold it and feel it. You should choose a Crystal you are attracted to, one that you feel you want to hold. Hold it freely in your hand and see how you feel. Each crystal has its own energy. Therefore look for the crystal that will feel good to you and to your energies. Choose the crystal by feeling, form, color or quality – the intuitive impression is most important.
It’s amazing to see how the intuition works. People always go back to the first Crystal they were attracted to. The most amazing cases are of people who stand in front of a huge basket filled with about 20 kilograms of the same tumble stones. They pick one stone, look at it and for some reason decide it is not good enough put it back in the basket and keep on looking for a nicer one. After moving their hands through thousands of stones they pick one to find that it is the same stone that they had picked up at first. At this point most people are very surprised but nevertheless put the unwanted one back and are stunned when they find that they have picked up the same one for the third time.
These people did not listen to their preliminary intuition and just had to find a “better” stone. The fact that the same stone, one out of thousands, kept on “coming” to them proves how our intuition works as well as the idea that each stone is meant for someone. Even the most skeptic are effected by such an experience.
You might find yourself standing in front of a huge selection of stones and in spite of your intention to acquire one you will not find one that you feel you want to buy. During your next visit to the same place you may find a number of stones you want. They may be stones that on your previous visit were there but you did not see them.
There are days when you do not find any crystal you want. Listen to your intuition, if you do not feel attracted to any stone, do not buy.
The crystal should feel “alive” in your hand. i.e. feel good. When you choose a certain crystal it works in harmony with you – therefore you prefer a particular crystal.
Our experience taught us that the intuitive choice is usually accurate. Thousands of people who chose a stone according to intuition, were surprised to find that the properties of the stone were exactly what they needed at the time.
In addition to the intuitive choice, one can of course, choose a stone meant for a certain purpose, although even then, it is important that the stone appeals to you. If you are looking for a stone for a specific goal, look at a number of stones that serve that goal and choose one of them by intuition.
The intuitive choice is important for two main reasons. Firstly, when we want a stone in order to solve a problem of headaches for instance, we usually do not know the real reason we suffer from headaches. The headache may result from pressure, a problem with eyes, teeth, sinus or some other cause. Usually the intuitive choice will lead to the stone connected to the source of the pain. Secondly, it is also important to use your energy and make the effort of choosing and not have someone else do the work for you.
Combing a few Crystals
You may combine a few Crystals on or near you. Flow with your feeling: Each combination will be great for one and may not feel good for someone else. A combination may be good for you today but not in a while.
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